Year 2

This school has now been going for nearly a year, and it is time to end this first study period and enter into another.

If you missed Year 1 then you have a bit of catching up to do. But we will allow you to join in Year 2 and catch up in your own time. We are about to enter into a very exciting part of this training next year and we do not want anyone to miss out on it.

The Mantles of God

The Second Year starts with a powerful teaching series entitled The Mantles of God. This is a series of teachings on the various different mantles of ministry and power that are available to us in the Spirit.

It is a unique teaching and has not been taught before at this level. And since it is something that I have learned afresh from the Holy Spirit only in recent times, it is totally up to date and relevant for the Body of Christ.

Normally students would be required to start at the beginning of a full study course like this. But since we are not following an educational pattern, we believe that you will be able to press in and do the latest studies and still benefit from them.

Previous students paid for a whole year to access the teachings, but if you join early, we are prepared to waive any arrear charges and give you the entire first year free.

We suggest that you jump in now before the year-end holiday period so that you are able to catch up and go through some of the first-year studies during this break time and be ready to jump in and get going in the New Year.

So if you are keen to get into the supernatural power of God and rise up in His calling, you should take advantage of this offer while it is there. Once the next course is well on the way, we will not permit any more new students to enroll for the second year, except the current first-year students.

I have asked some of the first-year students to post some reviews of the school and these are listed below for your interest. To enroll in Year 2 of this school, why not go now to the enrollment form and get going.

You can find the link in the menu at the top labelled Student Registration